'Love Guns' by Culture Machine

The story of these two loveguns reads like a modern fairy tale. And we all know… every great love starts with a great story. They don’t have much in common. They come from different parts of town. He lives at the beachside, and she is a city girl. But one thing is sure: they are both lovers and they have the world at their feet. Little did they know what they were getting themselves into. What started out with playful teasing and hidden blushes spontaneously turned into more. As the story unfolds their love becomes all, all their soul. Before they knew they were hooked on each other. All of a sudden she was his dancing poem and he was her favorite flavor. They were one and they couldn’t believe it. They were their own kind of beautiful, living for the magic moments and for the honest 2 AM bedtalks. Living for the ups and the downs, for the unexpected, for dancing in the streets. Living for sudden laughbursts, for passion, tender hugs and most of all for love… young, sparkling love. The kind of love that everyone should experience at least once.

Look at where they are. Under each other’s skin. Never without each other’s love again.

They are best friends and lovers. They are… love. Young love


Editoral Collaboration between Sydney based Creative Agency 'Culture Machine X The Lovers & Drifters Club' 

Kathe & Luka are  wearing our SS/2016 'FAKE CLUB' Collection. Available here: 


Styling & Direction by Merinda Kate Jackson:


Photography by Yasmin Suteja:


Models Luka & Kathe :




Film by Kale Neville:


Text by Babette De Bouver: 






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1 comment
  • All your stoires are so amazing…!!

    Mary on

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